Name: Mark A Haggard
Company Name: CNB Bank & Trust, N.A.
Title: Market President

We have a vested interest in the success of local individuals and businesses in the
communities we serve. Our commitment to the communities in which we reside is far reaching. From local schools, churches, nonprofit organizations to community fundraisers, CNB makes it a top priority to give back. We support initiatives not only on a financial level, but on a personal level too. Our employees participate in community service programs in their own communities every day.

We take pride in this place we call home. We’re working hard to define today’s community bank. It’s important to develop a relationship with a local, full-service community bank. It’s impossible to know what circumstances you may face in the future. You should be able to make a phone call or stop by your financial institution and get answers and advice. Since 1854, that has been our role at CNB Bank & Trust.

Community banks like CNB focus on the needs of local families, businesses and farmers. Unlike many larger banks that may take deposits in one state and lend in others, community banks channel most of their loans to the neighborhoods where their depositors live and work, helping to keep local communities vibrant and growing.

Community banks offer nimble decision-making on business loans. Decisions are made locally. Because community banks are themselves small businesses, they understand the needs of small business owners. Our core concern is lending to small businesses, farms and families.

Offering global products as a local financial partner is part of CNB’s mission. It’s difficult for banks to compete on products that are so highly regulated, but they can compete on service. Our employees are encouraged to work hard to think of new and innovative ways that we can better serve our customers. We work as a team to come up with new ways for CNB to meet our value and mission statements and truly become the best bank in the markets we serve.